Bridgeprep Academy POLK
Ninja Warrior Sign up on March 28th STUDENT DAY OF BIRTH/ Fecha de Nacimiento Please specify anything we should know about. Favor decirnos informacion que debamos saber.
I am entering into the following Release and Waiver Agreement with Strong Grip LLC, all instructors of Strong Grip LLC and the students in the Ninja Classes. I understand that I am signing this Release and Waiver Agreement in consideration for and as a requirement of my child's participating in any Strong Grip LLC classes. For myself, release, discharge and waive from any and all claims, demands, damages, expenses, costs, actions or causes of actions known of unknown, past, present or future for any personal injuries including bodily injury or death which are alleged to have arisen out of or resulted from my child's participation in any and all activities, including but not limited to, martial arts classes, exercises, drills, and sparring, all the above named individuals, entities and corporations. I understand the participation in martial arts activities includes a risk of serious personal injury or even death. I know that martial arts are a contact endeavor, and I understand that I am responsible with the guidance of my child's doctor for evaluating my child's physical condition and ability to participate in the martial arts classes conducted by Strong Grip LLC. By signing this Release and Waiver Agreement, I am also stating that my child has the physical ability and health necessary to participate in martial arts classes. *STRONG GRIP LLC has my permission to use my or my child's photograph publicly to promote the sports program; I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.
I agree to the terms & conditions